Electricity Consumption Data
This is an interactive Demo of the ElOverblik Consumption NPM package running from only the browser.
Spot Prices
One Limitation that we face using the PriceFetcher class from a browser context, is the CORS restriction on various electricity suppliers. Thus fetching prices from any of the electricity suppliers will fail and throw an error. Luckily, we can fall back to using the publicly available data from Energi Data Service to show the spot prices without any supplier or transport fees.
Unable to fetch prices at this moment...
Household Consumption
As an electricity consumer in Denmark we have the privilege of having access to our consumption data which is stored in the central Datahub. These data can be accessed freely on ElOverblik.dk after authenticating with your personal MitID.
Even more privileged is the fact that they expose an API to programmatically access all these data. Including cost of transporting electricity to your household and your consumption history.
Below are some simple charts that can help you make sense of your own consumption. This is just an example of what you can do. Check out the API documentation or my NodeJS NPM package for more details.
You need to create a Refresh Token for your ElOverblik account in order to access your own data via the API. In short, this is done by first logging into the ElOverblik portal using your MitID credentials, and creating a token in the "Datadeling" section of your profile settings.
You can find more details and a full step by step guide on the relevant Energinet document. Enter your refresh token below and authenticate in order to proceed.
Metering Point
After authenticating, please select any of your available metering points to continue. Each metering point represent an elecricity meter in any household that you are associated with.
Charges & fees
Get charges and fees associated with this meetering point. This will list all hourly fees on the chart below while listing each monthly subscription fee separatedly.
One limitation with this endpoint is the fact that the fees are a snapshot of your current fees at any point in time. This means there is no consistent way to get historical data aside from logging this on your own.
For your convenience, the same data is summed and added to the spot price chart at the top of this page to give an overview of your personal total hourly price.
Unable to fetch charges at this moment...
The following chart displays your hourly consumption and total cost based on the selected date. The underlying API from Datahub accepts a limited number of requests per minute and rapidly changing date might result in being unable to fetch new data.
In the event that you are unable to fetch data, please wait a few minutes before trying again.
Unable to fetch consumption at this moment...
This demo processes everything in your browser and does not store any data on 3rd party sites. All data on this page is stored locally in your browser using localStorage. The full script powering this page can be seen below: